There are multiple methods of properly disposing of unwanted medications, including dropping them off at a collection bin or going to a take-back event. One other way is through the use of mail-back envelopes. In this blog I will show you how to properly use these envelopes so that your medications are disposed of properly.
This is an example of a drug mail-back envelope. These envelopes are available at some drug take-back locations upon request. The postage is prepaid so there is no additional cost to the person who is mailing back their medications. This particular envelope is from American RX Group.

Inside the envelope are some contents. This includes an instruction slip and an absorbent pad. The absorbent pad is used to prevent any leaking if there are liquid medications in the envelope. As for the instructions they are very simple and easy to follow.

The envelopes are 11" x 7" in size so you are able to fit a decent amount of medications in each one. Here is a picture of one that I filled up about 1/3 of the way.

As you can see there is still plenty of space for more medications. Each envelope can be used to collect more than just a few bottles worth of medications.
Lastly, there is a slip included where you can write down the envelope's tracking number and serial number. You can check the status of your envelope by going to

Overall, envelopes such as this one are a convenient method of proper drug disposal. Remember, only some places that have drug drop off containers/bins may also offer these envelopes so be sure to check if they do have these available.
PWAD was able to donate 100 envelopes to local doctor's offices for patient use.